
[Translate to englisch:] Sorben & Wenden


Already in the 6th and 7th century through the migration of tribes over a dozen Slavic tribes came into the almost settlement-empty area east of the rivers Elbe and Saale. So the "Lusizer" gave theirtheir name to the region by settling there which is now called the “Niederlausitz”possession. With the German east expansion in the period of the 10th to 12th century most tribes lost theirtheir national self-sufficiency.

When and why the donation “Sorben” passed over to the two maintained tribes is unknown.

The “Sorben” resisted to the German authorities, expanded theirtheir settlement through cultivation of new areas and developed an independentindependent language, culture and writing, which were probably the most important basicsbasics for theirtheir survival fight.


Among a few exceptions the “Sorben” and “Wenden” can claim themselves to maintain today as a national minority in Germany. You can describe the Spreewald as a center of the lower-sorbic way of life. Here the lower-sorbic mother tongue, the sorbic religion and the sorbic customs are still remained rooted most deeply. Annually various traditional festivities take place, colourful celebrations attract visitors of near and far. Partly many of the customs which have theirtheir origin in the sorbic culture were taken over by the German population.


One popular example is the “Easter-Egg Painting”. But also the “Zampern”, the “Bird Wedding”, the “Maypole”, the “Cock Burlap” as well as Thanksgiving Days found a wide dissemination. After the reunion of Germany the “Sorben” also received next to moral aids as well financial support. Both the government of Brandenburg and Saxony and the government of Germany took responsibility for the preservation of the sorbic way of life and found a " donation for the Sorbic people ". Particularly the lower-sorbic language is acutely threat from extinction and needs special attention and support in order to keep itit for the next generations.

19.09.2013  Webmaster  Impressum  Sorben & Wenden